Frequently Asked Questions: Will my expatriate health insurance plan cover treatment in another country besides my country of re

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The answers to your questions

Will my expatriate health insurance plan cover treatment in another country besides my country of residence?

Here, too, it depends on the respective insurer. Nevertheless, there are usually similarities between expat health insurance plans. In general, you are free to seek treatment in your coverage area ("zone"). For example, an insured person who lives in Argentina can get treatment in Chile, Mexico, or even Germany - as long as medical expenses cost the same in all these countries.

The insured person will usually also be able to seek treatment in countries where medical expenses cost less. If you live in Japan, where medical expenses are among the most expensive in the world, then you can probably get treatment in any other country in the world.

Some expatriate health insurance plans also allow for free treatment in the country of origin.

For all other cases, (i.e., in countries more expensive than those in your coverage area), you will only benefit from limited coverage, depending on:

- the type of risk: only accidents and unexpected illnesses are covered. Your expat health insurance will cover emergency expenses that cannot wait until you return to your country of residence.

- the duration of your stay: for 30 to 90 days, depending on the plan.

- the nature of the care: in general, for hospitalization and routine medical expenses including examinations and prescriptions; some insurers may only cover hospital expenses.

We therefore recommend that you carefully read the general conditions of each expatriate health insurance offer.

Here's an example of such a clause:

In the insured person's country of origin for stays of less than 60 consecutive days, provided the care is within the coverage area. For insured persons/families from France, coverage is granted indefinitely to beneficiaries remaining in France, with specific reimbursement amounts for expenses incurred in France (cf. Article 8).

In the countries of Zones A and B during one-time stays for the insured person and their beneficiaries who have subscribed to zone C, and in the countries of Zone A for the insured person and their beneficiaries who have subscribed to Zone B.

In all other countries for emergency medical expenses following an accident or unexpected illness requiring urgent medical treatment or surgery.

Since these coverage rules can vary, it's always a good idea to discuss your own particular situation with an advisor.

If you think you might want to be treated outside your country of residence, please let your International Santé advisor know so they can provide you with the best possible solution for the respective country or countries. Your advisor will also be happy to inform you of the conditions for the assistance and repatriation services included in the respective plans.

See also: "Am I covered if I return to my home country?"


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